Tyler has just informed me that if you're not good Santa will you bring you a hair brush. To a little boy that's the ultimate worst thing ever I guess! I guess I'm in luck b/c I could really use a new one...So, now you all know.

a record of what happens here at the Barno house
This is him saying AARRRRGH!
The swashbuckling pirates eating their grub.
The pirate ship cakes my girlfriend and I made. They were a hit!
That weekend we went to Phil's cousins daughter Abigail's 1st b-day party. And after that Tyler got MORE presents from the Bauman's and Barno's. This child has so many toys and yet continually tells me he's bored!!
And then lastly was MY 30th B-day. I am officially out of the 20's and strangely not that upset about it. Phil likes to remind me that I am older than him, which does sting b/c he's 28 for another month, but I've accomplished quite a bit in my 30 years. So bite me Phil! :)