Tuesday, March 22, 2011

This is my Dad's heaven

This weekend my Dad drove to my Uncle Glenn's house in Memphis, TN. My uncle has alot of property which means he has lots of "toys." Big boy toys. Here's one of them. Grading the gravel driveway is a good excuse to ride a tractor! He also has a landing strip in the backyard so Glenn flew them to a friends house to hang out that also has a private landing strip. That's the kind of stuff he does. I drive. To each their own! :)
As kids living in Alabama we used to come here for Thanksgiving and we thought it was pretty cool. They have a pond and I found a pet turtle there. And let my pet fish live in the pond when we moved. Good times!

1 comment:

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Man I love these pictures! I can just FEEL him smiling!

I LOVED going to Glenn's as a kid! I loved our turtle hunts, sugar free candy (what the?) and counting the dead birds on the deck from running into his HUGE windows. Did not like the creature that kept eating the geese in his pond. Not so much!