Saturday, March 19, 2011


It was such a nice Saturday. Visiting with a friend, the park, naps, Wendy's at my sisters. We came home w/ the plan that the kids would shower and be ready for bed and finish a movie we'd started last night. I was downstairs recording the BYU game for Phil and Ty came running down saying the toilet was spraying water everywhere. Insert expletives here.

Sure enough it was. Poop and pee everywhere. The toilet was just pouring it out so I grabbed the plunger and finally got it to flush-but not until it has spewed forth it's evil all over the bathroom. Literally. So I stood there totally exasperated. I spent the next hour cleaning it up. I just completely cleaned it 2 days ago which made me even angrier!!!

The kids showered in my bathroom. And when it was my turn to shower (I was literally covered in you know what) the kids had used all the hot water. So I cleaned in cold water. An ice cold shower. So I think it's safe to say I'm in a pretty CRAPPY mood right now.

I'm just sayin'.


Sara B. said...

This makes me cry a little for you. That is awful. I'm so sorry!!

Brian Olson said...

These are the times it realy sucks if the hubby is not home. I am soooo sorry! And, I am totally gagging with you - bodily excretions are the worst!!!

Brian Olson said...

Sorry - that comment was really from Dalene. :-)

Jackie said...

I too feel like gagging. My heart goes out to you. Crappy mood indeed...

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Oh CRAP! Literally! Man...that really sucks! I am gagging just thinking about it!

Kristin said...

Oh, Cyd, How I feel your pain. So sorry. I stepped on a spider today in your honor :) said...

I bet you smelled. Cold showers ta boot. Sucky night!!