Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I just had to laugh

We kept Eliza out of nursery at church this week b/c she was recovering from pink eye. So Phil had her and her little flower in her hair kept falling out. We talked about it after church b/c it was missing and Phil said he kept putting it back in and it just wouldn't stay. Which I thought was strange b/c it doesn't usually fall out when she wears it. Then I realized why. He was clipping it onto the ponytail. Not above it. I just think this is hilarious. I just take for granted that I know how to do hair and he doesn't. He has no sisters to learn from. He just does what he thinks is right. And it's great-this time it just wasn't really working out. I'm still giggling about this as I type this. Am I that sleep-deprived?!?!?


Jackie said...

Dear sweet Phil... I guess we all have our strengths, right?

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Phil...you are too stinken cute! Someday she will clip bows into your hair and you will let her because despite the pain of her brushing your hair really hard...you will just want someone to play with your hair.

Trust me...I have had a brush stuck in my hair a time or two!