Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It made me laugh

I just heard on the radio that whistling is a lost art. The dj was saying that nobody under the age of 50 whistles anymore and I started thinking about it and it's totally true. I never hear anybody whistling a tune (or whistling at me :( )My mom is quite the talented whistler and she always whistles while she's cooking, cleaning, weeding, etc. - maybe I don't whistle b/c I know I can't measure up to my mom's mad skills (plus I think I just really learned how to whistle in the last 5 years).

Any thoughts as to why nobody whistles anymore? Perhaps we're all too "plugged in" w/ ipods and tv? does it hurt our mouths?


Jackie said...

Maybe it's because we're afraid of looking like the lady in that picture! (No offense, Mom)

I also whistle like a wimp. That could have something to do with it.

Anonymous said...

I don't whistle, either. I was never good at it so I guess I stopped trying. Emily pretends she is whistling but just
"screams" the whistling sound. She's not really doing it...I let her think she is. I think she learned it from Dora or Diego.

Dalene said...

I am sure when you are not 32 weeks pregnant, you receive plenty of whistles. As for when you ARE 32 weeks pregnant, Phil needs to get a move on the whistling. :-)
Oh, the other kind of whistling - it makes my cheeks hurt. Maybe I do it wrong?

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

I loved waking up on Saturday mornings to mom whistling and the dishwasher being loaded. Ahhh to be a kid again.

Rylee is a great whistler. We like to listen to her whistle a few tunes. It makes Kennedy nuts because she can't- at ALL. I like to whistle, but after awhile my face hurts (shut up Dunlops, I know what you want to say).

We should have a whistling competition soon. Eh?