Friday, December 7, 2007


So I must know. Has anyone else had problems w/ Luvs leaking the little gel balls from the inside ALL over the place? It happened on my birthday in October, and figured it was just a bad batch, but I was scorned and didn't buy another box of them. While in Denver however, I needed diapers and they were on sale so I got them. I am just finishing the bag, and 2 days in a row they've busted open and spilled those dumb gel pebbles everywhere!!! Curse you Luvs! Curse you!!!!!!


Mortensen Baby Farm said...

I threw one (used, full and large) down the stairs once so I could take it out later and ended up spending and hour cleaning it up off every freakin stair and the tile below. Sigh...

spyderette said...

i always bought the super cheap store brand diapers, and even they never leaked gelatinous goo.

Anonymous said...

I did have a Luvs issue just days ago, however I did not have to clean it up because I threw it on your car.

CYD said...

Yes you did, and it's not been forgotten. Payback...

Sleepless Tyrant said...

Luvs are crap. It's all about Papmers Cruisers. Sure they're a little pricier, but you get what you pay for! :)