Monday, September 10, 2007

ICK! I hate Cicadas!!

We have these nasty shells of a bug all over our backyard. The shell of the Cicada-my fiercest enemy. They come and shed their um, skin? probably shell, whatever. So it looks like a bug, but it's just this crusty thing w/ legs just there to freak you out. And then they become this HUGE flying thing that I've seen only twice and both times almost peed my pants. So here's the newly brave Lexi holding one. I seriously hate them. Why is she smiling? I'm not sure who screamed more like a girl, me or Tyler. I was standing inside the house ready to shut the door after I took this pic.


Anonymous said...

Seriously where did this sudden surge of bravery come from?? Take her to ACME and the Halloween Skeleton put her in the fetal.

Jackie said...

Sick o rick... I hope nobody ate one.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Niiiiiiice! Put it in Uncle Phil's pillow case Lexi!!! He deserves it! said...

I can hear you in OR. What a laugh! You go girl, Lex! Show Aunt Cyd whose brave. Tyler . . . I'm concerned! Maybe preschool will help.