Sunday, January 13, 2013


I'd heard for a week that a big storm was coming, but I wasn't too concerned. And then as it got closer it seemed more ominous, so we did some preparations. We made sure our generator was working, stocked up on some food and candles and put all the loose things in the backyard into the garage. And then we waited. With the winds peaking at 65 mph, we were super nervous about all of the trees surrounding us. I'd been outside to grab my cell phone charger from the van and it was freaking b/c the trees were bending in half. I heard a huge crack and looked and our neighbors tree next door had fallen. I ran in the house to tell everyone and they were freaking out about this tree across the street which landed on their car. So I have no clue which one I heard fall, but they both did. About 10 mins later ANOTHER tree fell on this car. It was nuts. Unbelievably it only did minimal damage, which is good b/c she's a struggling single mother!!
It was a looooooong night. We lost power the day before and slept in the basement. Phil and i hardly slept b/c we were so anxious. We left the house the next day to find gas cans and fill them up b/c our neighbor had called the power company and we were told we'd not have power for another week! Thankfully they were wrong and we got our power back after only about 18 hours after losing it! 
Driving around was crazy b/c so many roads were closed b/c of the fallen trees everywhere! Including our yard. At about 9pm Phil and I were in the backyard trying to cover our generator from the rain when Phil started yelling, "NO, NO, NO!" I turned around just as my neighbors OAK tree was falling straight into our yard. The power of that thing landed was terrifying and so loud. And then we realized it had smashed right onto our almost completed treehouse! We were hysterical, the kids were hysterical. And then my poor sweet neighbor who was home alone b/c her husband George was on business in Israel of all places called on my cell and said, "I think a tree just fell in my backyard." Yea-we know!!

I still can't get over how all the trees that fell were uprooted. Just nuts!
At about 11pm we looked out and the trampoline was gone. We looked out another window-it had just blown up against these trees. glad it didn't take flight and land on someones house or deck!

The kids at least thought it was cool to climb all over the tree. All in all we were so lucky we didn't lose our home or cars or our lives! Until our power was restored and our internet was working again (about 3 days later) did I see the damage in Staten Island, the Jersey Shore and elsewhere. We made out pretty great considering!!

And we were so blessed to have friends with chainsaws! Thanks everyone for helping! And the neighbor whose tree it was, were so kind and helped us so much!
Governor Christie declared the cancellation of Halloween, which was 2 days after the storm. He delayed it until Nov. 5 or so, I can't remember now. It was sort of anti-climatic, but the kids had fun. Chase was a killer dentist in some altered scrubs of Uncle Doug. Around his neck are some teeth he sent us! Ha! (I wouldn't let him wear this to the church party so he improvised.)
2 of our cool pumpkins. Ty's was ruined-it was a storm trooper.

For weeks the streets were littered with brush and tree parts. Here's both sides of our curb.

Our friend Joe came with his new chainsaw and helped out.
And randomly this is a newspaper clipping of Chase and Ty bowling. We went as a family one Saturday morning not knowing that some former Eagles and Giants players were doing a bowl-off. It was fun!

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