Monday, April 18, 2011

An early Easter at Grandma's

Since my sister is going to be in town for Easter we went down to Phil's mom's house for an early Easter. Chase went with Phil to get her an Easter Lily. On the drive down I turned around and Chase was just sniffing the flowers like crazy. It's hard to see here but the flower is covering his whole face.
 About 10 mins. later I turned around to tell him something and saw this. He was totally covered in pollen. ha!
 When we got there we did a quick Easter egg hunt before the heavens opened and it poured rain!
 Chase and Ty were pretty ruthless. Hurry, hurry!
 Eliza got the hang of it really quickly.

 And Chase was pretty proud he found the very last egg!
 All the cousins.
 Aunt Marie brought cupcakes for the kids to frost and it was a hit. They had fun both decorating and immediately eating!
 Licking fingers is a no no Chasey! Oh, well...
 Marie gave Eliza a cupcake and a frosted spoon to work with. She just licked the spoon instead!
 Then chowed down on the cupcake of course.

 Messy little piggies!!!
 It's amazing how different boys and girls are. These 2 gals just sat here and painted for close to 20 mintues. It was so cute. My boys won't typically sit that long. Unless for a movie or a video game.

 Phil was having fun snapping pics. Her round cheeks remind me so much of Chase's at that age.

Thanks Joellen for a yummy lunch and fun treats!

1 comment:

Sara B. said...

Is Tyler like 15? Seriously, he is so big. He looks like a giant in the picture with the 4 cousins. Miss you Barnos...let's get together before I pop this kid out. 7 more weeks to go...