Monday, August 30, 2010

Sweet Home Alabama

I'm pretty sure I've used that title before, but it's just so fitting! To start off our summer we took a road trip to visit the parentals down in Bama. I was pretty nervous about how Eliza would do for 14 hours, but all in all it was great! The kids were occupied w/ movies, the DS, coloring and eating. Lots and lots of snacks. Here's a very excited Ty!The serious driver
Eliza always on the phone. I wonder where she learns this behavior?

Chase didn't keep up for very long at the first leg of the trip!

Me in the back trying to keep Eliza happy. She was getting antsy.
And we're here! On the 4th of July we celebrated like crazy!
My mom got this cute little bumble-bee ensemble.
A little ladybug and bee chit-chatting
my cute Chase
cheesy Ty
playing baseball in the yard w/ the neighbor kids. i think ty caught the ball!

Oh, wait. Lexi creamed him and got it. atta girl!
Eliza just running free as usual
I love lighting the snakes. What can I say.
All of the kids were enamored by it!
At night-for several nights really-we spent way too much money on fireworks and we sat outside for hours watching Phil set them off!
Eliza LOVED it!
Lucy-not so much. With every boom the poor thing freaked.
The classic sparklers. Although they've changed since I was a kid. They don't last nearly as long!
Ty loving them
Dad picking up the remnants of fireworks off the grass. It was a lengthy proccess!
The Dunlop girls get into action
The kids watching the neighbors fireworks. It was quite alot of action!
Then the dancing began. Having fun!
After all the craziness we went in for an All-American piece of cake!
I love this splash park-and so does Chase!
Eliza is obsessed w/ Lucy's binky.
Little Lucy learned to walk at my parents house
Phil, Lex, Chase and Mom
Mom took Eliza on a nice walk around the park.
Ty, Jenn and Dad chillin'
In Alabama they are more trusting I guess. This firetruck was out, so we went and sat on it and nobody called the cops or yelled at us. Go figure!
Chasey was in heaven.
Lexi didn't think it was toos shabby either.
The slip n slide heard round the world.
The kids got some serious speed on this hill.
Ty got some rug burn on this one. ouch!
Miss Lucy
Going through the sharks mouth was a magical experience.
Daddy loves his girl
The anticipated bubble bath. They alwasy love it.
I came downstairs to find this. Chase is very creative I tell ya.
The other anticipated activity. The train!
Chasey talked about the "big train" for weeks before going. He was in heaven!

On our last day we headed to the Go-Karts. The girls enjoyed watching
Ty was thrilled he could drive one alone
Phil and Chase taking out some innocent girl.
Mom even got into the action. She was ruthless!
Go Mom! Look at her face!
Phil trying to keep up w/ mom :)
One last bath. Eliza did this and then wiped it all over Mom and I. Really funny.
Chase checking out his bubble beard
Saying our goodbyes.
Thanks mom and dad for a fun trip! And for cleaning our nasty van!
We stayed in another hotel on the way home. Our first one was pretty gross, but it was 1am and so we stayed. On the way home we splurged on this "fancy" hotel and the kids thought it was the Taj Mahal! It was so fun to see them running around checking out this or that.
Eliza loving the king-sized bed. It's official, I want one!


Jackie said...

Gotta love the Bama...

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Looks like a Super Fun trip! Love Summer! said...

Didn't the kids get chiggers laying on the lawn like that? Weren't you eatin' alive by bugs being out at night like that? It gives me the heebee-geebees just lookin' at ya. I can hear the roar of the bugs at night too.