Saturday, June 19, 2010

Being stylish, Junk in the trunk, biking and such

I have so much to blog and say, and so little motivation to do it! I'm going through pics and realized I never blogged Chase's birthday party. And I'm hoping that w/ summer I'll actually have pictues of Tyler. What kind of mother am I?!?!? So for now enjoy these 2 little bugs on a bench.
Tyler melting during Field Day. His poor buddy Jaylen ended up almost passing out! But Ty's team won at tug-of-war so he was happy.
These 2 are the best of friends. During the day you'll find them dressing up together, reading and playing toys. Love it.

Here we are enjoying the bike trailer.

This my friends is what happens when you swim w/ a regular diaper. I'm only hoping my girl doesn't have a badonk-adonk like this when she's older!

And just another day of Chase changing his "accessories." Today you'll see he chose his green pirate gloves and INSIDE fireman boots. He made this choice on his own-these boots do not leave this house. And when we did go outside he quickly changed (very Mr. Rogers style) into his red moon boots (very Napoleon Dynamite style).


Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Looks like summer is in full swing at the Barnos! Lovin the huge pool diaper! Sweet!

Jackie said...

Sigh... I miss you guys. :)

PS- I love how your Kitchenaid is casually sitting in your living room. That's where you always keep it, right? said...

Diaper . . . ha, ha, ha!

Changing of the boots. . . . ha, ha, ha! At least he wears boots outside. My kids go barefoot all the time.

I'll send Ty pictures of our tug of war. It rained all week and all during field day. Mud wrestling!!

Adorable babies! Can't wait to see you all soon . . . hopefully.