Monday, March 1, 2010

A good moment gone wrong

The other night, about 20 minutes after reading scriptures with the boys, Chase comes into me and says, "mom-I have enough faith to walk on water?" And my heart melted. And I told him if we have enough faith and Christ tells us we can walk on water, then we could. And then I thought of the pool in our yard during the summer, the lake, the pond and imagined my adventerous son trying to walk on the water and I freaked out. So then I told him no. No you can NOT walk on water. I can just see him thinking Jesus told him to or something. I don't know. I told him he does have alot of faith and that's great, but that we aren't excpected to walk on water b/c we have boats. He's a little young to understand this concept anyway, right?!?!?!? Sometimes being a mom is scary!!! Anyone have better advice?!?!?!?

1 comment:

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

I just had a hard time breathing! Please don't let him think he can walk in water!!!!!