Wednesday, March 17, 2010

don't mess with a cute thing

One of my pet peeves is when somebody corrects my kids. Not behavior, their words. Like Chase says just about every word incorrectly and I love it! If he wants to say "later today" he says "amorrow aday." Maybe I'm messing them up for later in life, or it's my sick way of keeping them little forever-but these small things make me laugh and keep me going. Yesterday Tyler came tearing into the house yelling excitedly that he'd been invited to Matthew's birthday party at "I bounce you." This place is really called Pump it Up-and I probably should correct him b/c he'll say this to the kids at school and they'll think he's nutso-but I just love it. He's been calling it that for months and it makes me laugh every time!

1 comment:

Meagan said...

I agree with you. I love it when my kids say things wrong. It's just too darn cute. (and I secretly want them to stay young too)