Sunday, October 18, 2009

To my family who don't facebook (you should be shunned)

I just randomly remembered a game we did as kids for birthdays and wondered if you did too.

If you were the birthday kid all your friends would get in a line behind you w/ your gift and everyone would chant,


With the word bump you would get cracked in the head by the gift and smile in pain. Then that kid would make a wish for you and it was usually really weird.

Anyone? Anyone remember this madness? Why are mormons saying this? I learned it in Utah? What is happening? It just seems so wrong and yet so right!!!


Jackie said...

What IS the deal with that game?! I don't think I understand it then, and I definitely don't understand it now.

Mom? Dad? Care to explain?!

Jackie said...

Understood... pretend I said "understood" and that I used the right tense in that last comment.

(Freak. Sometimes I hate the guilt that comes with being an editor.)

Kristin said...

Ummm, I think that swine flu has gone straight to your brain.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

I hated that game. I always felt embarrassed for some reason! What IS the deal?

Joyce said...

OK Lady.
If you're going to bring it up, bring it up correctly:
"Heavy, heavy hangover THY poor head.
What do you wish this person with a bump on the head?"

I had to do that as a child.
You had to do it.
Your children should too.
You don't have to write thank you notes after wards if you wish them a nice wish at the time of the party.

There ya go. Etiquette.

Sara Barchard said...

I'm glad the "they" vs. "thy" thing was corrected. I was very confused. And I never played this game...but I like it.

CYD said...

Clerical error. I did mean to put THY.
Sue me.
And I love that we had to do this. It's just a little messed up.

Jackie said...

I like the etiquette logic. I'll take it.