Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Grocery list gone awry

I was at Target yesterday and noticed I'd put "nursing homes" on my list of things to buy. I was a bit perplexed by this and finished shopping. Then I went to Wegman's to grocery shop and again kept looking at this nursing home business. I just couldn't for the life of me figure out why I'd put that. Perhaps I'm in the market and forgot? Then it hit me in the produce aisle. I need nursing PADS!! While making the list I must have started writing it and gotten interrupted and so naturally w/ nursing must come homes. Evidence perhaps that I just don't get enough sleep.
Oh, and Wegman's doesn't carry them so now I have to go back out today for them. Dang!!


Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Your a freak! I am laughing so hard AT you right now. Oh man...nursing homes...you are waaaaaaaay sleep deprived!

Beth said...

thanks for giving me a great laugh! from one sleep deprived mom to another!

i'm jackie. he's doug. said...

I'm so so glad it took you that long to figure out what you meant to write...

Will I be mocking you in a few months when I'm doing the same thing? Probably not.

http://elderwolfedr.blogspot.com said...

I told Jackie to sleep now for all of us sleep deprived sister. . . proof--you need some sleep!! That is classic.

I dream of completing projects from start to finish without interruption. Ahhh. . . the good ole days.

Anonymous said...
