Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Phil and Ty see the Phillies

For Father's Day I always get Phil tickets to a Phillies game. So this year he decided to splurge and get good tickets on the 3rd baseline (apparently foul ball heaven). So last night he and Tyler went and they had a blast! They were on tv a few times, and when Tyler got the foul ball they showed it and it was so fun!

Here is Tyler out on the field helping put the white foul lines on!! How fun!

Their seats were right on the tarp in the first row!

Here's the foul ball Tyler got during the game and this is the "ball girl" that handed it off to him. Tyler was so thrilled and excited!Phil said he liked her and that's why Tyler got the ball. Interesting...

Here's a video of him being put to work!


Jackie said...

So cool!! What a fun night. I'm glad the Phillies believe in child labor. Perfection.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Oh my gosh - that is so awesome!!!! I bet Phil was FREAKIN out! I would be! What a cool experience for them both! Ty will always remember that! Sa-weet!

LizzyP said...

What a great memory for Tyler and Phil. I've been meaning to ask you about the details--Ty told me that he painted lines on the ballfield, he got a ball, and he was on TV. said...

What a deal! I want to go. That sounds like a blast and I don't even follow a sport. Very cool!