Friday, June 5, 2009


I was at the drug store today and the cashier said, "how are you today?" i responded w/ the obligatory "i'm good, how are you?" and she went off on this bizarre tangent. "I'm not good actually. (weird uncomfortable pause for me...and then it kept going). I'm having a cat scan today and so I can't eat and I'm really hungry." I nervously responded w/ a "oh, um really?" and she went on w/ how she hates working and it's her time of the month and she's sick of rain... basically by the time I left I was wishing I hadn't asked...


Jackie said...

Wow. If she had volunteered what type of tampon she uses, the TMI conversation would have been complete.

Kristin said...

Wow. You two are like BFF now. Lucky you :)

Sherwoods said...

Holy cow. Dime boy and now her. You really know how to pick them, don't you?

Katri said...
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Katri said...

This is exactly why I respond simply with, "I'm great, thanks," and ask no questions in return.

Dalene said...

Yeah, a comment about the weather is neutral, but beyond that... yikes!

Emy W. said...

Oh gosh, that sounds JUST like asking my father-in-law how he's doing (minus the period so far)... I now know not to ask unless I'm prepared to listen to a 30 minute rambling of all his various ailments and all the stupid holistic crap he's doing to treat them..... bah.