Phil is training for a triathlon in July so he's been biking every morning. I didn't know this until he got into biking, but there are special shoes you wear that clip into the pedals so that when you're racing there is less resistance (or something like that). So when you stop, if you don't get your shoe unclipped you'll just fall over. So Phil's done it a few times and I saw it once and died laughing b/c it was on a busy street w/ people watching. Plus if you're not into biking you just think that the biker is a complete moron just falling down while not moving...so anyway. Phil just told me he fell this morning in our driveway b/c his shoe was stuck and I asked him if he'd told the boys. And yes he did-and dear sweet Tyler's reaction was "gee-sounds like SOMEBODY needs training wheels."
It really doesn't get better than that.