Here "it" is!! We're on our way to becoming a family of 5. I'm 14 weeks, due on Feb. 27. So I'm hoping this explains some grouchiness and bad skin!! We had this ultrasound at about 8 weeks and they did a 3D, which I've never had before. I wish I could say it's cute, but I think we all know I'd be lying. It was however really cool to see, especially on the screen there. If you look closely you can see the umbilical cord and it's little hand waving hi!
And a quick funny story about this picture. We had my niece Lexi over for lunch and she spotted this pic on on the fridge. She said, "Cyd is that your baby in your tummy?" And I told her yes and brought the pic over and explained it's going to look more like a baby as it grows, etc. And she looked at me sort of horrified and said, "Cyd-I think this is an animal." It was priceless. She couldn't be convinced I was carrying a human.