Friday, May 16, 2008

He's independent!!

Phil and Tyler are out having some bonding time and I am home w/ Mr. Chase hanging out. I suddenly remembered I had something I was supposed to take care of so I was on the phone for about 20 minutes. Halfway through the call I realized it was really quiet-usually not a good sign w/ this kid. So I finished the call and walked all over the house calling for Chase. I coudln't find him and I was getting nervous. I checked his room one last time and he'd gotten his blankie and juice and had climbed up into his crib and put himself to bed. Are you kidding me?!?!? I am still giggling. He never ceases to amaze me!
(This photo is from a couple of weeks ago when he zonked out on our bed. He looks so angelic when he's asleep! You'd never suspect he'd been in trouble ALL day!!!)


the meyersons said...

How did he get in there?!?!?!


Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Love that kid!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome. Who needs Mom??? What a cutie.

Anonymous said...

What an angel! Are you sure he's yours? ;)

Sherwoods said...

Wow, why didn't he teach Zach that while we lived there? That is one sweet skill for a two year old to have!

Sherwoods said...

Would you PLEASE update your blog? My child is dying to see pictures of chase and tyty...

Anonymous said...

You're killin' me here. I need a new post!!!

Anonymous said...

I know I've talked to you in the past month...but it is unacceptable that you have not posted anything in a month. Also, what is with your new Christmas paper background...ine JUNE??? Are you doing alright? Now get posting!!!