Monday, April 21, 2008

March of Dimes - MARCH FOR BABIES

This weekend we're walking for all those babies and their families who have had a rough start in life.

You can click here to access "Team Jake" and sponsor me or the Meyersons. To do this go to "View Team Roster."

Thanks in advance!!


LizzyP said...

You missed out on the lemon tart, and I missed out on the march. Hope you had fun.

Sherwoods said...

I wish I could be there to support you guys and walk with you. I would have loved it! Good luck.

For the record... our housekeeper's name is Laura and she is mopping my floors as we speak. Thanks for asking!

CYD said...

I hate you Amanda.

the meyersons said...

I miss my little bumpy.