Friday, April 11, 2008

I am frightened...

Our vaccum just died and I'm sitting here checking out the selection online. Too many options and I am overwhelmed! So, I found the one I think we'll get and announced it to Phil. Tyler (w/ his elephant ears) says, "is it cheap?" and I said, "no it's not going to be cheap." And then, my sweet adorable four year old says, "Your Mom is cheap?"
I hope I will be forgiven for the sins of my children...


amy said...


seriously, it rocks the haus.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Ummm...remember when I told you that your quirky little phrases would come to haunt you someday? I feel happy for some reason now!

Things you taught my kids to say:

Credit Card
I don't have too - Cyd said
Bite Me!

the meyersons said...

Seriously, your mom is cheap.

spyderette said...

i second what amy said -- get the BOSS! and it's pretty cheap!

here's a link for your convenience:

i ordered this from amazon last year. the shipping was FREE and really fast! i love it!

ME said...

I can't stop laughing! I can just hear it!

Jackie said...

I've never loved that kid more. Ever.