Friday, March 28, 2008

The Bumper Sticker Culprit strikes again!!

Under the cover of darkness another bumper sticker has appeared. Who is doing this? No need to stop b/c you're cracking me up!!!


Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Please tell me that is another magnet! If it isn't I would kill someone! But seriously it is funny when it happens to your car!

the meyersons said...'s not me. I've had it up to here....

Seriously Cyd, you should honk a lot. Live up to the sticker, prove it to the world. You have one heck of a badonk-a-donk.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you need to start parking your car in the garage! :)

CYD said...

2 total wannabe hoodlums honked at us today and showed what i think are gang signs. I was mortified...

Jackie said...

I don't even know that means... but I love it. A lot.

Anonymous said...

Did you find out who is doing this to you? Whoever it is...I love them.

Anonymous said...

And, it is a magnet, right?

CYD said...

Yes, it is a magnet. If it wasn't I wouldn't be laughing!

Anonymous said...

I thought you were taking it really well if it was a sticker. Thank goodness it's a magnet.

Sherwoods said...

I promise I ONLY did the support farting one. But I only did it to you because I thought you did it to us. Good luck with the mystery. I guess I can't be blamed anymore right? Am I off the hook?

CYD said...

Well Amanda-
curiously they have stopped since you moved. So I wouldn't quite take yourself off the hook... said...

Jackie, Listen to the country station for a day. You'll figure it out.