Friday, February 29, 2008

Apparently Chase is double-jointed

WHO KNEW?!?!?!? Although when I think back to him being a baby I do remember thinking his fingers seemed a little weird. Like, I remember him moving them and them moving in a way that I certainly can't. So now we know!


Mortensen Baby Farm said...

I just threw up...

Anonymous said...

Noah would like to know if it hurts him?


CYD said...

Not at all. It's just the way his fingers bend, just like yours. Weird!!!

Sherwoods said...

uhh, that is really gross.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Where did your little baby go??

Jackie said...

I'm not a big fan of that, but at least he'll be great entertainment at parties.

the meyersons said...

I think it's a temptation that he is clearly giving's not natural.

He needs to have a talk with the Bishop. said...

That must be Phil's side of the family. I don't know of anyone on our side?? Do you?? Very unique! Very interesting! Can he do all his fingers like that? Come on guys, those are pretty cute fingers. Little chubs!

Kandis said...

that's crazy!

Finn said...

At least he'll always have a weird/cool talent that he can show off to the ladies..

My ex was double jointed and that was one of the first thing he showed me when we started dating. Talk about "hubba hubba".

Kristin said...

Hmmm, it seems like someone was giving me kind of a hard time about not updating my blog. That wasn't YOU was it????