Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Playing outside in spite of the heat wave!

Yesteray we took the kids to Terhune Orchard to play and eat delicious cider donuts. It was really fun for the kids b/c they chased geese, fed the animals and climbed on everything. Then today the boys and I decided to have a water balloon fight and play in the sprinklers. It was nice to just hang out together actually and we all had a really good time. It was great to watch Chase playing on the slide b/c his bum was so wet he kept flying down so fast. This would have terrified Tyler, but not our daredevil Chasey! I had to drag them into the house so they could take a nap. Which I must say was long and glorious.


Mason & Ollie

We had to make Tyler feed the donkey. He preferred throwing the corn at the geese.

Chillin' in the swing

The tractor situation became a little chaotic

Austin & Chase. They look so little on this huge John Deere!

They had a great time chasing the geese. (mom are you okay seeing these? I know your goose "problem" :) )

Ty showing the bucket of popped balloons. We were pretty busy people...

Making "music" w/ the sprinkler.


Mortensen Baby Farm said...

How fun is that? The kids all look so big...I feel like I am missing so much of their lives!
I still can't believe how big Chasey is getting! Tyler ~ get mommy with a water balloon for me okay?

Jackie said...

Love the tractor pics! Those boys are so handsome. We're clearly related.

Kristin said...

Why does Mason look like he is peeing through the fence there? Oh...maybe he is.

amy said...

wait!! where did you find this place and can we go when i get back???