Thursday, August 16, 2007

Braving the Six Flags Wild Safari

So to help Jenny pass the time on this 6th month "anniversary" of Jake's death, we took the kiddos to the Safari. The kids really had a good time. We let them out of the carseats which was really good enough. But to add huge animals running around was just the icing on the cake. We had 3 giraffe's hanging out with us and here are some videos of it. The first one is a giraffe dissing us, but the kids reactions were so funny I had to post it. Then the second one is the giraffe sticking it's nose in our moon roof and then licking our window. It's a little dark which is why I'm explaining it. Hilarious!!!




Anonymous said...

Oh man, a trip! Too bad Cyd's window wasn't open so she could get licked!

Thanks Cyddo

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

That was freakin awesome!!!! The kids and I are loving this. Luke says he wants to go there. The licking kills me ~ I love it!

Taryn said...

you guys are screaming like little's a giraffe!

Kandis said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe that happened with the giraffe and you caught it on tape, I was laughing my head off! How fun for you guys to get together. We haven't seen you all in forever!