Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The kids dig the Bowling!

We got together w/ some friends and family and hit up the pizza shop and then the bowling alley. It was the first time Chase had ever bowled and Ty's 1st experience being old enough to do it alone. They loved it!
Me coaching Ty. He did great!
Look at Chase's form! Ha!
Zach and Chase checking out some video games that are a little violent for their age.
Hooray for Ty. He was 2nd place overall for the kids.
Shannon brilliantly brought the pack-n-play. And then read to my child. What a saint.
Little guys checking out the scores.
These 2 kill me. They look like 2 old men having a deep bowling conversation.

1 comment: said...

SMART idea with the pack-n-play!! We'll have to remember that for the family reunion. SMART!!