Monday, March 23, 2009

The smallest things make me laugh...

Doesn't this look like that weird streaker guy who runs into tourists pictures in Times Square? Well, it does to me and I just can't stop laughing!!
I was taking a pic of this skirt to send to my sister and my son (half-dressed? why oh why) came running through laughing hysterically b/c he knew he was ruining my shot.


Jackie said...

The best part was only seeing the coat at first, and then scrolling down and seeing his thin, white legs sticking out at the bottom. Ha!!

I can't stop laughing either...

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Seriously that is the funniest pic! What a way to start my day...

Dalene said...

This IS a seriously funny shot!

Meagan said...

That is awesome. I love it. I can't stop laughing.