Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Ty's birthday festivities

Doylestown Rules

We each model our own interpretation of the strange Jester painting.

Tyler and Doug enjoy the zip-line.

Chase chooses a tuxedo at Ventresca's.

Cyd and Chase.

Too manly to swing I guess? (actually the sad truth the swinging was making Phil nauseated. What an old man.)

The Dunlop girls however can still swing with the best of them. Some sicko took pics of our rears doing this and they've been destroyed. You are evil whoever you are. Jenny, Cyd then Jack.

The 3 cute kiddos. They had the time of their lives.

Phil and Tyler are always jumping. What's with that?

The Alumni. Phil was not comfortable w/ this, but you try arguing w/ 3 determined girls.

Phil's brother Tim is an Asst. Coach for CB East so we met up w/ his wife and daughter. Here's Hunter cheering on the Patriots!

I am hoping only Lexi becomes the cheerleader.

Chase in full Patriots colors.

After the game the kids were able to play on the field under the lights. It was really fun.

Who knew I'd enjoy football this much?!?!?