Thursday, February 28, 2008

Tom T. Hall and Tyler

What do you get when you combine Tyler w/ some country music? Check out the video to see.


amy said...

ok. arnold i can almost handle, but subjecting your child to country music is bound to scar him for life. especially lyrics like more money, more women, more whisky. what IS going on in your home?! heaven knows in my house all we listen to is the childrens song book and we only watch rated G movies... har har har

amy said...

but i have to admit, ty does have some pretty sweet moves!

CYD said...

Sister-I've been in your home. I know the truth. And Tom T. Hall rocks and my fav is that Ty is singing that song right now. More whiskey more women, wait until he sings that at school! In fact his teacher asked me who taught him "shake what your momma gave ya." I just smiled and said I just wasn't sure...

Anonymous said...

What's that sticker on Amy's guitar say again?...burn!

Sherwoods said...

That is hilarious! So, where does he get his sweet moves? Zach had a HUGE smile on his face while watching that video. Yes, he does ask me all the time to come to your blog and look at pictures of Chase and Tyty. Your boys are sure popular in our house!

Sherwoods said...

Okay, I just read the shake what your momma gave ya comment. I am rolling...

CYD said...

who is the mystery person who knows what's on amy's guitar? shall we be concerned?

Los Shafer said...

Uh, we adored this. The grand finale was our favorite!!

Goooo Ty!

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Couple of things...

Holy Freakin TV in the background. I thought you guys were going to get a BIG one?

We were jammin to good ole Tom the other night. We have nothing on Ty's moves though...I think you have a dancer on your hands. Would Phil be okay if he went into creative dancing instead of baseball? said...

He's got your moves and Elaine's from Seinfeld combined. Gettin' jiggy Ty. Love it!!