Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Did you know that 4 year olds could ski?!?!??!

My friend called wondering if Tyler would like to take a ski class w/ her son Oakley. I know the first question you are each asking is "where in the heck do you ski in New Jersey?" So that's what I said. Sadly it was only about 30 minutes from where we lived in North Jersey and I'd never heard of it, but I said yes and off we went! On the drive up we gradually saw more and more snow on the ground and Ty kept yelling "we're here! I see white stuff on the ground!" The class was great and I was so excited to watch the boys figuring it all out. They were both a little nervous at first, but by the end of the 2 hours I think they'd figured it out pretty well! Asking Ty if he'd go again-he said sure! So I'd call the day a success!! (p.s. I however did not step foot on the slopes. I am not that stupid.)

The boys getting suited up. They were both really excited!Look at that boy! The helmets were a riot. Do you see those tiny skis?!?!?!Tyler is the one to the left. His legs are bent and then off he went. They called each position french fry or pizza. I had no idea what the kid was talking about forever. He's talking about skiing and wondering why he's talking about food. Christanne finally told me. Me no ski too much.That's Ty to the right finishing his 10 foot ski. They did each ski in increments. That big black pipe thing to the right was crazy. To the right of it was the "magic carpet." It's like a conveyor belt that the kids took up to the top of the hill. I guess it replacs the tow ropes of the olden days.


http://elderwolfedr.blogspot.com said...

That looks sooooo cool. What a great thing to do. He looks so good. I bet daddy is so proud. How many kids were in the class? It doesn't look like many. I would love to find something like that for my kids. Ben is taking Jeff (and hopefully Hannah) this month. Let's see if he can break another ankle??

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Holy Cow that is awesome! Great Job Ty Ty! I still remember the first I went and got too scared and didn't get off the stupid lift. They had to stop it and back it up for me. No thanks...I will stick to sitting in the lodge being the ski bunny drinking hot chocolate!

Kandis said...

That's so awesome he started skiing already. It really is pretty crazy to see how tiny their skis are. Sweet job Ty!

Sherwoods said...

That is awesome! I am glad it worked out. However, now that Christanne explained it to you, can you explain to me what pizza and french fries are? I don't get it either. You are not alone my friend!

Kellie said...

lucky kid, how fun!

the meyersons said...

What a stud.

Anonymous said...

He is certainly braver than I am. I bet he had a blast, though. Good to start him young before fear sets in! Mike went last year for the 3rd time in his whole life...while I went to the nearby outlets and shopped. Also a dangerous sport!!

Jackie said...

Hilarious! What a man!

After the 10 foot ski, did they take him on a black diamond? Now THAT would be something!