Monday, October 29, 2007

I'm not as informed as I thought I was

Tyler has just informed me that if you're not good Santa will you bring you a hair brush. To a little boy that's the ultimate worst thing ever I guess! I guess I'm in luck b/c I could really use a new one...So, now you all know.


Anonymous said...

I thought he brought you coal. Isn't that what we were always threatened with? I like the brush thing...I could use one, too!!

Jackie said...

I wasn't aware! Is it one of those nice paddle brushes? If so, I'm choosing the bratty kid route.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Huh...I must totally be getting a hair brush this year! Yipeeeeee! said...

Those Veggie Tales were always a bit off track. I like them, but some of the concepts are a bit bizarre. The whole biblical symbolizm can be a stretch sometimes. BUT oh it is sooooo much better than Barney!!