Sunday, September 16, 2007

Just another afternoon at the Camden Aquarium

Phil grew up in the Philadelphia area. And he's NEVER been to the Camden Aquarium!!! He really wasn't into it when I mentioned we should go b/c he thought it was going to be some little fishys swimming in a pool. So he took a half day and off we were down to Camden. So we get there and we walked into a huge room full of these HUGE birds flying around. We were all so enthralled by them, that when we looked down at the water level and a HIPPO was staring at us we almost died!!! There were 2 hippos just swimming around so gracefully and we sat forever just watching them. It was so cool! We saw some awesome shark, stingray, sea turtles, penguins, seals and tons of fishy in a pool. It was so fun and Tyler was in hog heaven. In the shark section they had some Jaws-like music playing and Ty says "um, why is this sound so serious?" So funny. They have an enclosed aquarium with shark surrounding you, and I thought of one of the Jaws movies where he breaks through and kills everyone. Oh, good good times. And to finish the afternoon off, Phil paid the parking attendant whom I referred to as a woman. Phil then informed me that it was a man. Yikes!! Hope I didn't send them into therapy!


Anonymous said...

What sort of fish are those? Oh they are dorkfish. said...

Sweet pics!! I'm glad Phil got out and experienced life a bit. Don't you just love watching your kids discover and enjoy the simple creations of life. Fun, fun!!

Kellie said...

great pics! Aquariums are the best!

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Looks super fun!